
We went to Yekaterinburg

Monday, July 25, 2011

Help Please....Any Ideas

Ok. I know I have been gone awhile. We just returned from vacation in New Hampshire on Lake Winnepasaukee. I LOVE it there! We had a great time but it is nice to be hme and sleep in my own bed. And I promise to upload some great pics soon.

I'm not sure who really reads my blog anymore, other than a few devoted friends and family but I do need some help, please!! Our adoption agency has a list of "Horizon Kids" as they call them. Often older children or kids with some medical issues who are waiting for their forever families. I am constantly looking at the kids. Some have been on there since we began our adoption of Colby in late 2008. They break my heart. A few weeks ago, the agency posted a new child, a little girl aged 2 1/2. At the time there was no picture of her, just some information. I am not sure why but this posting struck my heart, even without the photo. I called the agency and they did send me her information and a few photos. She is ADORABLE! And she looks so much like Colby did at that age, it is scary. I just can't get her off of my mind. No, we have not started a new home study but Mike and I certainly ahve discussed it the whole vacation. There was a question of whether we could adopt a little girl because we only have the 2 bedroom so she would have to share a bedroom with Colby. But the agency and the regional representative where the girl is said it shouldn't be a problem. Wow! One hurdle gone. However, the HUGE hurdle still lurks. MONEY! I do know that the agency has a few subsidies for their Horizon Kids but they are not guaranteed.

OK guys. What do I do? Has anyone else taken subsidies, know of places that help finance adoptions, anything? If we begin our home study we aren't guaranteed to get this little girl, another family who is farther along than us can take her first. But, I'd love to try. I'm from a big family and so is Mike. I can't see having an only child. Colby really needs a sibling or two or three. It just feels like now is the time. He's been home almost 2 1/2 years and the ages would work great, just under 2 years apart. HELP!!! The heart says yes but the finances say yikes! Not sure we can finance this one alone.


Lindsey Carney said...

Hey Melissa, not sure if you are a Christian or not, but I believe the Lord provides. I know He does. He did every penny for Hudson's adoption. I have several stories of how he provided what we needed, right when we needed it. We had an open house at our barn/fundraiser one day and raised over $7,000 in one afternoon. I have friends whose sister cuts hair and she did a week of haircuts and people from church, friends, etc. signed up and they raised over $2,000. People are willing to help, it just takes a little time to come up with a fundraiser. I say go for it. Do something radical, step out in faith, and get you this little girl :) Even if you had to borrow every penny, she'd be worth it! What a difference in her life and your family's! said...

Hey Melissa. Exciting news! OFfer it up to God. He will tell your heart exactly what you should do. Fund raisers probably aren't so bad and as we have all been there before, somehow it all works out. God bless! You all will be in my prayers.

Joy said...

I know this is a very difficult thing to talk about. None ofus want to think that money could be an obstacle to bring home a child.

If you decide to do some fund raising I have a wall hanging size quilt I would be willing to donate to your cause. Let me know. I will need a little bit of time to finish it up.

I do believe that if the time is right the money will come.


Jenny said...

I do not know about subsidies and finances for adoption, but I do know that if the Lord is for it, then it will be made possible. I will pray for you and your family to know what to do and to guide you in this process. May you and this sweet baby girl be blessed!

Our Russian Adopted Princess said...

here here, I agree, go for it. The Lord will provide! Now I didn't say it would be easy, but yes I think God has already called you to be this girls mama!

Laura said...

It sounds like a fundraiser of certain items might be a good way to go...kinda like what Adrienne did last year (or was earlier?).

How very sweet of Joy to offer the wall you know other crafty friends/family?

I know our agency said that one option for us, if we were to move forward, would be to open an account at the agency to which people could make tax-deductible donations. They get the tax write-off and the money goes towards our adoption. However, if we were not to move forward with the adoption, the money would stay with the agency.

I wish I could go on this journey with you, Melissa. I feel sad when I watch K play by herself and she's just craving a playmate...

God will provide when you least expect it so hang tight!

Laura :)

Amy said...

I agree with what everyone has already said. Keep your heart open and God will show you the way.
When we were adopting ou 3rd child we were set and determined to adopt from the same region as our older 2. Even though our agency kept asking if we wanted to switch regions we held fast for over a year. One day we thought okay it's time to open our hearts to Kemerovo. Two weeks later we were referred our twins. We planned for one more, but the Good Lord wanted us to have 2!!!
We were not financially ready for adopting 2 more, but we made it happen. And you can too.