Here are some of our favorite Colbyisms. I can't believe how much Colby has learned this year, and continus to learn. Amazing! His vocabulary and witty comments certainly keep us on our toes.
Nah (Thankfully we got that rid off quickly. For about a week it was!)
No Mom. Stop it. (Yes, I am often not Momma or Mommy anymore, just Mom. Yikes! He often tells me to Stop it when I am singing with him in the car. Around Christmas time I was singing with the group "Lonestar" to the song "Little Drummer Boy". Colby proceeded to yell at me,
"(No Mommy. No Parum Pum Pum Pums. Stop it.)Okay. No poblem. (When we ask him to do something, we often get told no but we just as oftem hear Ok or No problem.
Tanktin Mommy/Daddy. (This is Colby's way of saying thank you.)
Love you, back moon. (My mom alsways said this saying to me, "I love you all the way to the moon and back". I guess Colby loves me to the moon way in the back!)
Oh no goodness (I take the blame on this one. I will say Oh my goodness when Colby coughs or yells loudly. Now he says it to us. However, COlby has also said "Oh no God." I guess that one slips now and then too.)
Can't see you/me. Can't hear you/me. (When I ask Colby to do something, I often end with, do you hear me, if he seems to not be listening. THen I get told, "Can't hear you" when he doesn't want to listen. Ugh!)
Hush Misha. No barkin.Hibary peas. See Miss Marget (Colby and I go to storytime at the Library. He loves going and seeing Miss Margret.)
Colby do...or Colby try... (Yes, my son speaks about himself in the third person. We are working on pronouns! Slowly we are now hearing
"I do that.")What a mess (Yup. Colby knows when he makes a mess. But he also knows how to clean it up. He hates having his hands dirty when he eats.)
Tickle peas (Colby loves to be tickled and actually asks us to do it.)
Bein Ridiculus (I guess Mike and I have told him a little too often that his whining is ridiculous. He says this to the dog but also when he knows he is being silly.)
Baketball (He likes watching UCONN girls play basketball with Mommy.)
That way (He has become quite assertive with what he wants and often points out which way we should walk or drive.)
Button peas (Not what you think really. Colby has now learned how to turn the TV on and off with the button. He asks for the "button" to let us know he wants to watch TV in the morning, Mommy and Colby snuggle in bed in the morning to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Special Agent Oso.)
DVDV (When he wants to watch a movie he'll ask "Movie peas" or he will bring it to us and say DVDV.)
We are still being serenaded with Jingle Bells along with Colby banging on his new drum. Colby has been humming and singing a lot more lately.
He also points out everything along our journeys in the car. Water, McDonald's, firehouses, tractors, even the post office!
In stores Colby will see writing and point to it saying,
"ABC's Mommy!" And then proceed to count the letters. He loves to count everything! Wow! I think he's pretty smart.
I know there are more sayings to come. Hope you enjoyed these though.