On the down side, the actions of this one crazy woman are now affecting so many more lives. Children are waiting in orphanages and baby homes in Russia and throughout the world and now sit by while men in power try to sort this out. These men have no ties to the children or the parents waiting for children. Parents waiting for court will now wait even longer. Couples waiting for a referral may now not receive one. The whole process has ground to a halt and may become closed. I can only pray that it will not. That would be a shame. The actions of one should not affect so many. That woman shouold be ashamed.
The media needs to tell more of the positive stories. Show the amazing families that have been created through adoption. Without adoption, I would not be the mom I was meant to be. The following link is a website that tells a few ways that we can help adoption with Russia remain open. Please check it out and at the very least, sign the petition. Let Russia know that we are good people and we ahve created great families for the Russian children we have adopted. I would love to return to Russia again to adopt a sibling, or two, for Colby and if this woman's actions make that impossible it will be the biggest shame imaginable.
Please visit this site(http://betheanswerforchildren.wordpress.com/2010/04/12/we-are-the-truth-a-call-to-action/), and forward to your friends interested in the futures ofthousands of waiting orphans in Russia.
Artyem's story...Just shocking http://rt.com/Top_News/2010-04-08/adopted-russian-child-returns.html
Very well said, I totally agree! I am one hoping to start an adoption soon and have my heart set on Russia, and Russia alone, even knowing all the hoops that I will have to jump through. If adoptions are stopped, it will just break my heart. I would gladly sign and do whatever I can but have a big concern that it could "backfire" on me in the future =(.
When I heard the news, my heart dropped. I immediately thought of you and your family, and Colby. I have always thought adoption was wonderful, and I just love following your experiences with your son. It broke my heart too, to know that so many other couples, longing to be parents, might have a harder time fulfilling their dream. It's sad that one woman's actions can hurt so many.
(Yes, I have been told that writing in caps is like "yelling" and you know what? I'm shouting it!!!)
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