
We went to Yekaterinburg

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Party Animal

This weekend we had 2 parties to go to. First we went to my cousin Cassie's graduation. She graduated with her Master's degree and passed her CPA exam. Wow! And I remember babysitting for her and other embarassing things! Then we had a first birthday party for our niece Lizzy. Both were on Saturday so by Sunday we had a very tired and crabby little boy. But we definitely had fun.

Cassie's party was really fun. We didn't get to stay long but Colby and I did get to swim. It was interesting sitting at the party because we celebrated Cassie's mom's birthday this time last year at the same home. It was at that party that Colby saw a swimming pool for the first time. It was there that Colby scared me by jumping right in the water. Amazing to think back to that party and watch Colby as he swims "all by mineself". After just a few lessons he thinks he can swim by hinself, and he can with a noodle under his arms. Otherwise Mommy helps. This year, Colby even went down the slide. Wow! Maybe next year we can try the diving board. See the link for that post below.

We also had fun at Lizzy's first birthday party. There were a lot of little kids there for Colby to play with. And now Lizzy is big enough that she and Colby were playing together. They had fun playing in her big playhouse. And Colby enjoyed rolling down the hill with another friend, Jair and his sister Brin.

On Tuesday we went with Colby's cousins Eva and Jack to Mt. Tom for a quick swim. The kids loved playing by the rocks, although Colby and Jack both fell off the rocks and Colby scratched his little nose. They found some old fishing line and tied it to a stick and took turns "fishing" and of course they threw rocks.

So another busy weekend. Except for a meeting for me ( I volunteer at the Pilot Pen Tennis Tournament in New Haven. It starts on the 20th. Lots of great tennis.) on Saturday, no plans this weekend. Eva and Jack are back in Utah. But I think Daddy and Colby might just go fishing.

1 comment: said...

Great Party Animal pictures!!! How cute "little" Colby is!!! They grow up soooo fast, though, don't they????